Softball    (mayo de 2019)
Standings Schedule News Details
Softball Standings
  W  L  PF  PA Calendar Sync
Jocks of Medicine 211721
Disappearing Cows 21157
Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers 111816
PRN stars 121720
Free Agents 0103
Softball Schedule
FechaInicio FueraHora/CondiciónLugar de celebraciónTipo de JuegoFuncionarios
mié-may 22   N/A (BYE Week) P Free Agents Postponed N/A - No Game (BYE week) Regular-Week 1 - BYE 
mié-may 22   Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers P Jocks of Medicine Postponed Elmwood Softball Field - South Regular-Week 1 
mié-may 22   Disappearing Cows P PRN stars Postponed Elmwood Softball Field - South Regular-Week 1  
mié-may 29   Disappearing Cows  v  N/A (BYE Week) Result Pending N/A - No Game (BYE week) Regular-Week 2 
mié-may 29   Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers P PRN stars Postponed Elmwood Softball Field - South Regular-Week 2 
mié-may 29   Jocks of Medicine P Free Agents Postponed Elmwood Softball Field - South Regular-Week 2 
mié-jun 5   Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers  v  N/A (BYE Week) Result Pending N/A - No Game (BYE week) Regular-Week 3 
mié-jun 5   Jocks of Medicine 8 - 3 PRN stars Complete Elmwood Softball Field - South Regular-Week 3 
mié-jun 5   Free Agents (Forfeit) 0 - 3 Disappearing Cows Complete Elmwood Softball Field - South Regular-Week 3 
mié-jun 12   PRN stars 12 - 4 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Complete Elmwood Softball Field - South Regular-Week 4 
mié-jun 12   Jocks of Medicine 5 - 4 Disappearing Cows Complete Elmwood Softball Field - South Regular-Week 4 
mié-jun 19   Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers 14 - 4 Jocks of Medicine Complete Elmwood Softball Field - South Regular-Week 5 
mié-jun 19   Disappearing Cows 8 - 2 PRN stars Complete Elmwood Softball Field - South Regular-Week 5 
mié-jun 26   Jocks of Medicine R PRN stars Rescheduled Elmwood Softball Field - South Postseason-Semifinal A 
mié-jun 26   Disappearing Cows R Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Rescheduled Elmwood Softball Field - South Postseason-Semifinal B 
mié-jun 26   Winner Semifinal A R Winner Semifinal B Rescheduled Elmwood Softball Field - South Postseason-Final 
mar-jul 2   Jocks of Medicine 3 - (Forfeit) 0 PRN stars Complete Elmwood Softball Field - South Postseason-Semifinal A 
mar-jul 2   Disappearing Cows 3 - (Forfeit) 0 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Complete Elmwood Softball Field - South Postseason-Semifinal B 
mar-jul 2   Winner Semifinal A  v  Disappearing Cows Result Pending Elmwood Softball Field - South Postseason-Final 
League Players
1 Disappearing Cows Emily Boes 
2 Disappearing Cows Lauren Engel 
3 Disappearing Cows Jack Gallagher 
4 Disappearing Cows Erin Grimes 
5 Disappearing Cows Jaycee Housh 
6 Disappearing Cows Parker Korbitz 
7 Disappearing Cows Katie Mutke 
8 Disappearing Cows Sarah Schmoker 
9 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Wyatt Andersen 
10 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers James Askew 
11 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Connor Branick 
12 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Tyler Herek 
13 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Hannah King 
14 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Shelby Knoche 
15 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Marissa Lobl 
16 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Paul Lovell 
17 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Ethan Metz 
18 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Madeline Olson 
19 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Jacob Robinson 
20 Eppley Cytokine-Storm Chasers Krysten Vance 
21 Free Agents Lauren Frodyma 
22 Free Agents Kyle Hewitt 
23 Free Agents Alisa Hrbek 
24 Free Agents Ryan King 
25 Free Agents Jenna McKenzie 
26 Free Agents Michelle Morrissey 
27 Jocks of Medicine Meredith Bowen 
28 Jocks of Medicine Holly Bower 
29 Jocks of Medicine Mckenzie Dolph 
30 Jocks of Medicine Sydney Dowding 
31 Jocks of Medicine Joel Grafel 
32 Jocks of Medicine Natalie Kurtenbach 
33 Jocks of Medicine Anh Nguyen 
34 Jocks of Medicine Aubrey Peckham 
35 Jocks of Medicine Lauren Tondl 
36 Jocks of Medicine Casey Wisnieski 
37 PRN stars Lauren Frodyma 
38 PRN stars Kyle Hewitt 
39 PRN stars Alisa Hrbek 
40 PRN stars Ryan King 
41 PRN stars Matt Mallisee 
42 PRN stars Jenna McKenzie 
43 PRN stars Michelle Morrissey 
League Details
League Type: LeagueRoundRobin
Demographic: Coed Open
Division: Coed
Sport: Softball (Rules & Regulations)
Start Date: 5/22/2019
End Date: 7/3/2019
Status: Complete
Team Fee: $150.00
Other Fee Info:
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